build the foundations of your sacred feminine spiritual practice, so that you can walk as love and confidently hold space for others  

Welcome to Sacred Growth - a community for women who want to walk as love

On your journey of sacred remembrance you will...


Take your personal spiritual practice to the next level and gain deep wisdom as an expert in the Sacred Feminine


Do the inner work so that you can grow in confidence to step into your sacred work as a healer, teacher or guide.


Place your spiritual practice at the centre of your life and start to make real changes that allow you to step into the role of Priestess in your home, community and workplace.

Your soul came to earth at a special time in her-story

We are here at a time of huge social change - and mass awakening. It is a time in history when more people than ever before are waking up to consciousness. It is a time when The Patriarchy is starting to crack. 

As spiritual women we are being called to craft a different way of living and working. We are being called to promote equality and kindness. We are being called to walk the way of love.

We live at a time of great remembering

Never before have so many people been awakening to their souls - discovering that they are spiritual beings in a human body. 

We are remembering ancient wisdom that has been lost - how to work with our bodies, the moon, the seasons. The power of sacred ritual and ceremony. Personal Alchemy. How to work magic. 

It's time to walk as Practical Priestesses in our families, workplaces and communities

We need spiritual women to step out of the broom closet and into leadership roles. 

Being a Priestess isn't only about holding space in a Temple or a Tent.  It's about being part of the team, bringing the Sacred Feminine back into our homes and organisations.

In Sacred Growth® you will build the foundations so that you can confidently hold space for others

Your journey in Sacred Growth will allow you to confidently start to teach others about sacred feminine spirituality.

Meet Our Member, Gemma

There’s been something so special and truly healing about being part of a beautiful collective.  When one of us rises, it feels like we all rise together.  

It’s unlocked so many heavy burdens that I’ve been carrying for so long and I know that I wouldn’t have found the key so quickly or as easily by myself.  

I’ve found more clarity, confidence, purpose, peace and in touch with who I really am.  Stepping into my own authenticity and able to tap into my own power.

I now can become the priestess I remember with a newfound energy to give and receive more abundantly in my personal and professional life.

Gemma, Sacred Growth Member

In Sacred Growth® You Will Receive...

The Course

You'll learn the foundations and history of Sacred Feminine Spirituality and know how to design a sacred, soul-led life.

You'll know how to work with your body, the moon and seasons to connect with the divine. You'll remember your magic and uncover your soul gifts.

You'll be deeply held on your journey with our course videos, meditations, worksheets and guest workshops by industry-leading Sacred Feminine teachers. 

Live Sacred Ceremonies Each New Moon

Each month you'll be part of our live New Moon Temple - a sacred feminine ceremony where we will guide you in deep inner work. 

You'll deeply connect with the astrology and energy of the moon cycle and season - uncovering your inner shadows and turning them into the medicine you need to grow.

Monthly Live Mentoring

On each full moon you'll access our live 'Reflect and Revel' mentoring call. You'll be supported and guided in the inner work you are doing. 

You'll be deeply supported to grow in confidence and to manifest the sacred life and vocation you are dreaming of. 

Rituals to Celebrate the Wheel of the Year 

Together we celebrate the turning of the seasons and the energy of nature through the pagan Wheel of the Year.

We honour each Sabbat with a workshop, ritual or guided meditation. We plan our life and evolve with the seasons and energy of the astrological year

Exclusive Community Access

As a Sacred Growth member you'll be invited to join our exclusive Facebook community of soulful, spiritual women. 

You'll have the opportunity to give and receive support from your sister priestesses - and make friends to travel your soul's path with. 

As a Sacred Growth® Initiate you will be able to confidently walk as a Sacred Feminine leader 

Our community will give you the foundations you need to go on to create great things. As a Sacred Growth Initiate you will be able to confidently teach others about the sacred feminine. 

Whether it's growing your own spiritual business, stepping into leadership in your community, or walking as love in your family - Sacred Growth will give you the skills you need to lead the way with The Goddess at your side. 

In Sacred Growth® is for you if any of these sound true...

  • You want to deepen your spiritual practice so that you can co-create a magical, meaningful life with the Sacred Feminine. 
  • You want to develop wisdom and mastery so that you can step into the role of spiritual teacher or guide
  • You dream of having a spiritual or healing business of your own but lack confidence to really step into it
  • You feel stuck or bored in your current life and work, and you are ready to do the deep inner work needed to make a shift
  • You want to join a network other smart, conscious women who want to walk as Priestesses too
  • You are ready to commit to joining our live calls, creating a daily spiritual practice and connecting with other sacred women!

Sacred Growth Member

I feel so safe, loved and incredibly guided. I am able to let myself receive guidance from my higher-self through Annika. I feel light and free and the shift within my body

Your Support Team

Meet Your Sacred Growth® Temple Guides

Annika Burke

Senior priestess

Annika’s mission is to help thousands of women find their sacred work in the world so that they can live their lives with freedom, joy and abundance.  

As the founder and CEO of The Asherah Centre, she has dedicated her life to helping women step into their soul-purpose.  Since 2017 she has grown a successful six-figure spirituality and coaching business - blending together the tools of strategy with sacred ceremony. 

Annika is an experienced life coach and she has helped hundreds of women to discover their soul purpose and awaken to the sacred feminine. She is a trained Temple Guide with the 13 Moon Lineage of the Divine Feminine Mystery School.

Alessandra Mary

senior priestess

Alessandra is a wild, witchy, enchanting, free spirited, nature loving, cosmic contemplating, electric soul. 

She is devoted to creating sacred healing spaces for women to explore their inner landscape, reclaim their intuitive wisdom, express their authentic truth and remember their innate divinity, all within the warm, welcoming embrace of community.

Her passion for spirituality, deep connection and making life sacred again is what led her to becoming certified as a Health + Life Coach, training as a Women’s Circle Facilitator and apprenticing as a Priestess Initiate in the 13 Moon Lineage of the Divine Feminine Mystery School.

“With Annika and other ladies in Sacred Growth, I feel accepted, in power and never alone. I always look forward to our coaching sessions as I can gain new knowledge, share and grow myself and most importantly spend time with like-minded, beautiful women that support and empower each other."

Anja  - Sacred Growth Member

In in Sacred Growth®  You Will Receive:

The Sacred Growth curriculum (worth £5238)

Live New Moon Temples (worth £2664 over 12 months)

Live Full Moon mentoring calls (worth £2664 over 12 months)

Rituals to celebrate the wheel of the year (worth £800 over 12 months)

Access to our exclusive online community (worth £600)

Total Value = £12,056

Enrol with sacred growth® today for just...

monthly plan

  • The Sacred Growth Course
  • Wheel of the year rituals
  • LIVE New Moon Temple
  • LIVE Full Moon Temple
  • Monthly planning workshop
  • Community Access


194 /mo


77 /mo

Sacred Growth is a monthly membership programme. You can cancel any time, with five days notice required. 

Read our full Terms of Sale and Refund Policy


When are the live coaching calls?

We meet live twice per month: around the new moon and full moonfull moon (dates vary each month depending on the moon cycle). The times of the calls on those days may vary but usually they will be at 1pm or 7.30pm UK time. There will be a recording for anyone that can't make it live. 

What if I'm not on facebook?

You are still welcome to join the programme! Our group workshops are all on Zoom so you can still join those to meet me and the other community members. You will still gain access to the members area which contains the digital course, workbook, workshops meditations and recordings of the live calls. 

What is your refund policy?

We totally understand if you get started and feel like this isn't for you, it's too much, or you are not ready to make a change in your life yet.  You have 14 days to see how the programme feels for you. In this time you can work through the first modules of the course, come to a live call with us (new moon or full moon) and set up your daily spiritual practice. If after 14 days you have been to a live call and you feel like Sacred Growth isn't for you, all you have to do is send a screenshot journal exercises to and we will refund your investment. 

Is this a religion? Does this conflict with my religion?

Our community is open to everyone - from all faiths and backgrounds. The spirituality we teach is generic - it helps you to connect with a higher power and with the natural world. We call this 'the sacred feminine' 'the universe', 'source' or 'spirit' but you can use whatever name you like. The practice of connecting with nature has sometimes been called 'paganism' - I only use this as a term to describe the commitment to work closely with the moon and wheel of the year. 

The methods we use, such as guided meditation, are not from a specific organised religion. Our spirituality is rooted in the divine feminine, which is a belief that 'source' has both masculine and feminine energy that we can tap in to. We believe that connecting with the cycles of the moon and seasons can help us feel more connected and energised. 


The Sacred Growth®


We are supporting you every step of the way with our LIVE New Moon Temples and Full Moon Mentoring calls. You'll also travel a 12-month learning journey in the Sacred Growth Course.

Each month you'll receive a foundational lesson from Annika and Alessandra, a guided meditation, journal worksheets and resources, and an embodiment practice from leading experts in the spirituality industry. 

Module 1: Awakening to the Sacred Feminine

Discover who you really are at a soul level and awaken the energy of The Goddess within you.

Module 2: Creating Sacred Space 

Deepen your daily spiritual practice, practice 'empty presence' and learn how to weave the sacred in through your day. 

Module 3: Remember Your Magic

Uncover the magical talents that you naturally have within you and explore ways to deepen and grow them. 

Module 4: Sacred Growth

Learn how to work with the cycles of nature as a tool for inner work. Discover personal alchemy.

Module 5: The Moon Cycle

Learn how to use the cycles of the moon and your menstrual cycle for personal growth and energy management. 

Module 6: The Wheel Of The Year 

Learn how to work with the rhythm of the year, celebrating each of the eight sabbats with us. 

Module 7: Herstory: The Sacred Feminine

Uncover the history of the Sacred Feminine - learn how she has been in the underworld and how she is rising again.  

Module 8: Embody The Sacred Feminine

Discover how to feel the Sacred Feminine within your body and soul using Sacred Feminine Archetypes, and learn how to work with this power. 

Module 9: Fear Of Answering The Call

Learn the origins of the witch / priestess wound, and why it holds us back from stepping into our magical lives. Learn how to step through this trauma. 

Module 10: Find Your Soul Purpose

Uncover your personal soul gifts and birth chart, and how these can be used to find meaning and purpose in your life. Discover how you want to show up in the world.

Module 11: Sacred Work

Deepen in your sacred purpose with clarity on how you want to walk as the Practical Priestess. Gian clarity the next steps in your sacred business or career. 

Module 12: Creating a Soul-Based, Sacred Life

Learn how to place your sacred feminine spirituality at the centre of your life, and use this to co-create the life that you are dreaming of. 

It's time to step into the leadership role you are meant for 

In Sacred Growth you will: 

  • Deepen - Take your personal spiritual practice to the next level and gain deep wisdom as an expert in the Sacred Feminine
  • Grow - Do the inner work so that you can grow in confidence to step into your sacred work as a healer, teacher or guide.
  • Shift - Place your spiritual practice at the centre of your life and start to make real changes that allow you to step into the role of Priestess in your home, community and workplace.